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The IMPCT Alliance, founded in 2022 by students at the NYU Stern School of Business, hopes to direct student and university capital toward social causes. These causes include the climate transition, sustainable development, and other issues afflicting populations across the globe. We offer guidance and recommendations for student groups willing to take the pledge for a better future. 


Any University affiliated organization can join the IMPCT alliance. We welcome all members in our goal of creating a vibrant and change-driven community.  Accordingly, we ask that groups that have capital to invest to agree to direct a portion of funds toward ESG causes. 


ESG investing charts the path toward solving major global challenges. As university students, the future lies in our hands, and it is our duty to establish practices in investing that drive value for society as well as shareholders. 

Green Field

Why invest in ESG?

           The future of our world lies in our hands. It is our duty to reverse the effects of climate change, combat the inequalities that plague our world, and fight unethical corporate practices.  We can do this through ESG investment. 


           Meanwhile, while making the world a better place, ESG can drive returns for funds. Though ESG is a non-performance indicator, impact funds have reaped similar or better returns than non-ESG funds. For example, S&P Global highlighted that ESG funds outperformed traditional money managers during the early years of the pandemic. Furthermore, companies and funds with a focus on environmental impact will continue to see growth as the public sees sustainability as increasingly important. Bloomberg projects that ESG assets may hit $53 Billion by 2025, "a third of global AUM." Additionally, attempts to cut greenhouse gas emissions often lead to increased operational efficiency. 


           Without ESG investing, we will fail to impact change in our world, we will fail to combat the most significant challenges facing our society. Join the pledge before it's too late. 


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ESG in Action

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